Trust This! Top 11 Ways to Control Excessive Emotions,

6:49 PM

You Can Do It! Top 11 Ways to Control Excessive Emotions,  by : Livefood,me

Excessive emotions can affect subsequent actions. You have to know how to control your emotions so that they don't make the problem more complicated.

Emotions that are felt to be too excessive will make your days less enthusiastic. Your relationship with other people around is also not good. This makes you have to hold back emotions so they don't explode and cause future losses. How to control emotions? Here's the explanation:

1. Dispose of Bad Thoughts

When you are hit by a complicated problem, the brain will tend to focus more on thinking about the best way out. Try to stop thinking about it so as not to cause negative reactions. It's hard not to think about it, but trying to forget it for a moment can make you more relaxed.

2. Trying to be quiet

Trying to be quiet is one way to control your emotions. When you are angry you will release words that are out of control. Even those words can make things worse because emotions become more explosive. It would be better if you shut up and give a moment to overcome emotions in yourself.

3. Trying to Give Positive Emotions

Finding problems that are currently happening is one way to control emotions. You can take positive things from this problem to get rid of bad emotions that will emerge. Let's just say what happens is a learning that can improve yourself even better.

4. Calm Yourself

If emotions occur, you must try to think calmly in order to be able to think logically and find the right solution to overcome the existing problems. You can take a deep breath, and count down slowly to reduce emotions. Try to divert your mind so you can relax.

5. Try to breed chest

Chestnut can be a way of controlling emotions that you have to do. As difficult or as difficult as any problem, you must be able to get up to prove that you are fine. You have to lower your chest with this problem there are things that might change in the future.

6. Try to Relent

How to control emotions towards a partner can be by succumbing. Emotions that occur can be caused due to the ego of both parties. As a man, you can also control a woman's emotions by trying to give in more. Losing can make you find a way out of problems that are happening.

7. Try to smile

Smiling can help to influence increased emotions. Smiling when emotions really feel awkward, but the brain will respond and adjust emotions. You can do this to control emotions in children so that there is no excessive action.

8. Tell the Problem to a Trusted Person

You can also do a way to hold back emotions by telling problems to the people closest to you. Even though it doesn't get a solution, at least the burden borne will feel lighter. Even if needed, you can also use the services of a psychiatrist to help provide solutions or therapies from a more professional side.

9. Self Introspection

Every problem must do self-introspection. Try to review the problems that you have experienced. Don't be afraid to admit mistakes if you realize that the error occurred because of you.

10. Exercise

Exercising is one exciting way to hold back emotions. You can make your body healthier and make you more relaxed. Exercise can make the nerves that were previously tense become flexible.

11. Reading

Reading can be a solution to keep emotions from overflowing. Switching your mind is very helpful to relieve emotions. Read books about comedy, funny stories, or motivations that make the mind much calmer.

That's 11 ways to control excessive emotions that you can try. Excessive emotions are not good for yourself and the people around you. You need to control emotions to prevent conditions from getting worse.

Source : Detik

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